Sunday, June 28, 2009


I am a SAHM who is desperately trying to shed remaining pregnancy pounds, and I feel that Blogging about my journey to meeting my weight loss and fitness goals could be both a source of accountability for me and a support to others who are trying to meet their own weight loss and fitness goals.

I will explain how I got started in another post, but the basics of the diet/exercise plan I am following are as follows:

1. Eat 5-6 small meals each day (B, L, D and 2-3 snacks).
2. Consume between 1200 and 1400 calories each day.
3. Exercise 6 days a week incorporating cardiovascular activity and strength training.

You might be saying, "1200 calories??? That's it???!!!" Trust me, you can eat a LOT in a day with 1200 calories; it just takes some planning. I think that a lot of women don't realize how many calories they are actually consuming in a day. The key is to eat foods that are packed with nutrients and NOT calories.

You do not have to starve to be thin!

If you would like to join me in my journey to being a Fit Mama, I would love to have you! I LOVE fitness/nutrition advice, and I love to talk about all things fitness and nutrition. Feel free to post comments about things you'd like to talk about or tips you have found to be helpful. If you know absolutely nothing about living a healthy lifestyle, please feel free to ask questions, too! TRUST ME, I am not expert! You can look at me and tell that. But I do know the basics, and unfortunately I've become quite experienced in losing weight because it's been a lifelong battle; however, I have found a way to get it off and keep it off!

I'm excited about the accountability this Blog will give you and me. Most of all, I hope that I can be of encouragement to my readers. I feel that a happy, healthy mom is crucial to the happiness of her child(ren) (and everyone around her...If mama ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy!)

I look forward to starting this journey with you! :)

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