Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 2

Today's workout: 30 mins. cardio (elliptical), back: lat pull down (wide and narrow grip); biceps: curls (3 different kinds). (I really should have done more, but I was in a hurry to go to The Children's Museum with some friends...Oh well! Better a little than nothing!! :)

Today's meals:

1 c. Multi-Grain Cheerios, 1/2 c. 1% milk, coffee with Truvia--160 cals

S: 2 packs mini raisins--90 cals, Diet Green Tea--15 cals

L: 2 slices wheat bread--160 cals, 6 slices turkey--60 cals, mustard--0, Tony's--0; 1 cup whole strawberries--50 cals, US tea (oops I've had a lot of caffeine today, haha!)

S: 1 serving animal crackers, 1/2 c. 1% milk--170 cals

Total before dinner: 705 cals

D: (Red Robin with friends) Fajita Chicken Salad, no dressing, sour cream, or guac. Y'all, I'm thinking (hoping, praying) it was around 500-600 calories, bringing my total to 1200-1300 for the day. That's the WORST part about eating out. I found some of Red Robin's nutrition info. online, but it didn't seem reliable and wasn't accurate as far as what was on my salad. I hope I'm right...think I'll do heavy cardio in the morning anyway.

So...today's total: somewhere between 1200 and 1400.

A tip on calorie counting: If you're not sure how to count calories and don't have an iPhone (like me), there are some great websites you can use. Most of them are free to sign up and are very accurate. Ones I've used are fitday.com and caloriecount.about.com. Both of those also have other great features that are worth checking out. I usually just keep a running total in my head or jot it down on a Post It if I have time.


  1. Love the new blog. I guess since the nursing is dwindling I need to get back to 1300 calories- boo. I use this for inspiration!

  2. I so need to do this. I started off great a few months ago then it all went south! I'm still running but I need to do x-training and especially watch what I eat! I love your idea of keeping up with everything. All I need now is an acountability partner!

  3. Aw thanks Carly. April--no way. You look great! By the way, I so need to give you my donation but keep forgetting. When is your deadline? How can I help keep you accountable? I will!
